Babol Carpet Billboard

Diba Tensile Arcitecure

Babol Carpet Billboard

The Babol Carpet Billboard is located in the western part of the city of Tehran. This Billboard was designed by Diba Tensile Architecture in summer 2019.


Scope of Works: Structural Design and Analysis, Fabrication and Installation

Dimensions: 14.65*8.23 m

Height: 20.5 m

Weight: 30000 Kg


Diba Group have a unique approach to architecture, structure, and construction. We look at our projects as an integration between architecture and structure, and as we construct most of our projects, we are always sensitive about all the details and their execution, as well as their cost.


Other Activities of Diba Group in Babol Carpet

Babol Carpet Showroom

Scope of Works: consulting, architectural design and supervision


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