Diba Tensile Arcitecure
The German Embassy School in Tehran, which is an international educational organization, requested Diba Group as the main consultant and contractor, to submit a comprehensive plan and strategy in order to redevelop and improve its educational and service spaces, according to the significant time limits.
Project could be demonstrating in three following zones:
Zone A: Four classes for middle school and high school
Zone B: Reconstruction and development of two classrooms in the kindergarten department
Zone C: Three educational classes for additional training programs
Zone A: Determined program for development of this section defined as 4 standard classes for middle school and high school students, including suitable educational spaces, acoustic properties and hand washing sink in all the classes.
Zone B: Demanded program in this zone could be defined as restoration in the form of extension for international kinder garden. This specific program had to be applied in two existing classes from one side of their envelope in order to extend the dimension and application.
Zone C: Demanded program in this zone defined as 3 unique and flexible classes for different types of classes in term of their layout, users and program. School authority considered this area as the junction between kinder garden and high school spaces with creative programs such as music, literature and communication techniques.
German School
1000 sqm
Design, Construction